Neometals sends titanium vanadium bulk sample to China for potential off-take partners

Date: May 8, 2018

Neometals Ltd (ASX:NMT) has collected and will ship to China a 53-tonne bulk sample from its Barramble TitaniumVanadium Project in Western Australia.

The sample was from the high-grade part of the deposit which has potential to be the main feed source for a potential direct shipping ore (DSO) operation.

Prospective buyers from China will next perform metallurgical test work on the bulk sample when it arrives in China.

Additional test work will also commence at an Australian laboratory to confirm Chinese results.

Neometals’ CEO Chris Reed said: “As we progress the dual-track evaluation of DSO and integrated titanium/vanadium chemical production it is critical we give comfort to potential Chinese customers of the quality and value of the Barrambie DSO product.

“Undertaking test work programs at the leading research institutes in China is a key step in the marketing and pricing of a DSO product as a feedstock for the traditional smelters or titanium chemical producers.”

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