www.ferroalloynet.com: The enquiries for ammonium metavanadate are active,and vanadium pentoxide flake stands at low availability as major companies master most materials, thus the whole market tends to be wait-and-see. Vanadium pentoxide flake prices are stable, but ammonium metavandate operating rate and output in February stand at lows. The market supplies are insufficient. Some factories have resumed gradually, but the number of factories in production remains small because of strict environmental inspections.
Date: Oct 30, 2018 Equities analysts predict that Energy Fuels Inc (NASDAQ:UUUU) will report ($0.05) earnings per share (EPS) for the current quarter, Zacks Investment […]
www.ferroalloynet.com Yesterday, the purchase price of ZENITH and Shaogang was 147000 yuan / ton with tax, which was 2000 yuan / ton lower than the purchase […]