www.ferroalloynet.com: Summary of transaction prices of vanadium products: vanadium-nitrogen alloy is 137,000-139,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance), ferrovanadium is 100,000-101,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance); retail V2O5 flake is 90,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and ammonium metavanadate is 87,000-88,000 CNY/Ton in cash.
In terms of alloys: The bidding price of vanadium-nitrogen alloy is 137,000-139,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance), but the high-level transaction volume is limited, and the mainstream transaction is still around 137,000-138,000 CNY/Ton. Today’s market quotation remains at 136,000-138,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and attention is paid to the pricing of Zenith Steel Group’s 95-ton vanadium-nitrogen alloy. There has been no significant change in the transaction of ferrovanadium. Manufacturers’ quotations are still 100,000-101,000 CNY/Ton in cash. Due to cost support, manufacturers are unwilling to sell at low prices, but downstream traders’ inquiries are only expected to be within 100,000 CNY/Ton.
For more information, please visit: https://www.ferroalloynet.com/analysis/vanadium_market_remains_in_stalemate_waitandsee_atmosphere_remains_unchanged.html