China Ferro-Vanadium Import And Export Statistics 202211

Export Statistics


HS Code:720292

HS Code Date Region Volume Value Price
720292 202211 Total 501.44 12,254,000 24,437.62
720292 202211 South Korea 198 4,704,000 23,757.576
720292 202211 Netherlands 140 3,450,000 24,642.857
720292 202211 Japan 120.2 2,952,000 24,559.068
720292 202211 United Arab Emirates 21.99 647,000 29,422.465
720292 202211 Argentina 10 261,000 26,100
720292 202211 Chile 8 150,000 18,750
720292 202211 Iran 2 64,000 32,000
720292 202211 Fiji 1 21,000 21,000
720292 202211 Pakistan 0.25 7,000 28,000

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