In Jan, the top three provinces by sales volume of vanadium nitride in China were Shaanxi, Hubei and Jiangxi. Shaanxi sold 930.00mt of vanadium nitride, down 7.00% MoM and up 6.29% YoY. Hubei sold 345.00mt of vanadium nitride, up 4.55% YoY and up 4.55% MoM. Jiangxi sold 160.00mt of vanadium nitride, up 33.33% YoY.
China’s Vanadium Nitride Producers’ Sales Volume Increased 9.50% YoY In Jan
BEIJING (Asian Metal) 16 Feb 2023 – In Jan, China’s vanadium nitride producers sold 4,265.00mt of vanadium nitride, 3,895.00mt in the same period last year and 4,430.00mt in the previous month, up 9.50% YoY and down 3.72% MoM respectively.
China’s vanadium nitride producers’ sales volume in previous 13 months
China’s top three provinces’ vanadium nitride sales volume in previous 13 months