www.ferroalloynet.com: As of yesterday, the price of ferrovanadium in the European market fell to 24.20-25.70 USD/KgV, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 86,700-92,100 Yuan/ton. The price of European V2O5 remained at 5.5-6.4 USD/LB V2O5, convert into V2O5 98% RMB price was 85,200-99,100 Yuan/ton; the price of ferrovanadium in United States was 9.95-10.25 USD/LB V, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 78,200-80,600 Yuan/ton. Today’s exchange rate is USD: RMB = 7.1671:1.
While the domestic vanadium market is strong, the European price is in a downward trend, and some domestic enterprises are worried about it. However, the domestic metallurgical industry mainly relies on a large amount of domestic demand. Now the domestic demand maintains a strong momentum. In the short term, due to the negative impact of the international market price, the feasibility of weak operation is domestic market is low, and the import volume cannot be enlarged in a short term. In June, the vanadium market as a whole is optimistic.