www.ferroalloynet.com: As of yesterday, the price of ferrovanadium in the European market was 25.3-25.95 USD/KgV, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 89,700-92,000 Yuan/ton, slightly decreased. The price of European V2O5 remained at 5.5-6.4 USD/LB V2O5, convert into V2O5 98% RMB price was 84,300-98,000 Yuan/ton; the price of ferrovanadium in United States was 10.45-10.75 USD/LB V, convert into 50# ferrovanadium RMB price was 81,700-84,100 Yuan/ton. Today’s exchange rate is USD: RMB = 7.0935:1.
According to the latest market data, the price of ferrovanadium in the European market is stable and slightly decreased, and the trading volume of V2O5 is low. The market has not been moving since the price reduction last Friday, but there are still some quotation of V2O5 between 6-6.5 USD/LB V2O5, it is hard to find materials less than 6 USD/LB V2O5. Although the international vanadium market is affected by the epidemic situation, China’s export price remains stable, which is higher than the European quotation, with little price drop.