Vanadium Prices In Europe And The United States Continue To Rise According to the international market transaction report of last Friday, the price of ferrovanadium in Europe remained stable for the time being. The price of V2O5 continued to rise compared with that a week ago, and the price of ferrovanadium in the United States also increased by a large margin. The trading price range of ferrovanadium in the European market was 29.5-30.7 USD/KgV, temporarily stable, convert into 50# ferrovanadium was 103,300-107,500 Yuan/ton. The price of vanadium pentoxide increased to 6.5-7.5 USD/LB V2O5, convert into V2O5 98% was 98,300-113,500 Yuan/ton, up 13500 Yuan / ton compared with a week ago; the price of ferrovanadium in United States is increased to 13-13.5 USD/LB V, convert into 50# ferrovanadium was 100,300-104,200 Yuan/ton. Today’s exchange rate is USD: RMB = 7.0024:1.

As of last Friday, although the price of ferrovanadium in the European market was temporarily stable, the market quotation was still strong, and the price of V2O5 in Europe, converted into RMB, was higher than the domestic market price. The strong vanadium price in the international market has a certain boosting effect on the domestic market. In addition, due to the impact of the epidemic in China, the start-up is delayed, the logistics is blocked, and the spot circulation volume is not large. The spot price of domestic vanadium products also continues to rise. It is expected that it will be difficult to fully recover the domestic start-up and logistics in the short term, and the price will continue to rise in the case of poor supply.

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