It Is Hard To Make Deals at High Prices and The Future Vanadium Market Will Maintain Stability In recent days, vanadium market trading is sluggish, the raw material price is relatively strong to support the vanadium market. The market transaction price of ammonium metavanadate is CNY 123,000-125,000/t, while the spot of bulk V2O5 flak is difficult to purchase, and its price is CNY 125,000-127,000/t. In terms of downstream alloy, there is few transactions in ferrovanadium market, the price quoted by the manufacturer has been loosened slightly to CNY 133,000/t by cash. Some manufacturers insist on the cash price of CNY 135,000/t, but the trading is not good. In bulk market, a small amount of transactions are traded at CNY 131,000/t, with a slightly weak price. Traders in vanadium-nitrogen alloy market are actively inquiring, so the prices mainly keep stable. Yesterday, the steel bidding price of ZENITH was CNY 198,000/t by acceptance, slightly lower than that of Anhui Yangtze River.

In early June, domestic steel mills purchased fewer vanadium alloy, but traders’ procurement pushed prices up. By the end of the month, the price has been in a stable trend, and it is expected that the price will be slightly weak. However, due to the tight supply of raw materials, price fluctuations will not be too large.

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