China Ferro-Vanadium Import And Export Statistics 202207

Export Statistics


HS Code:720292

HS Code Date Region Volume Value Price
720292 202207 Total 458.07 13,732,000 29,977.951
720292 202207 South Korea 160 4,438,000 27,737.5
720292 202207 Japan 100 2,910,000 29,100
720292 202207 Netherlands 98 2,839,000 28,969.388
720292 202207 Canada 40 1,608,000 40,200
720292 202207 Oman 20 584,000 29,200
720292 202207 Brazil 20 547,000 27,350
720292 202207 Malaysia 14 616,000 44,000
720292 202207 Myanmar 3 107,000 35,666.667
720292 202207 Chile 2 42,000 21,000
720292 202207 Australia 1 37,000 37,000
720292 202207 Jordan 0.07 3,000 42,857.143

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