GTI Resources Schedules Uranium Exploration Fieldwork For Henry Mountains Project In Utah

GTI Resources Ltd (ASX:GTR) has scheduled further fieldwork next month at Section 2 and Rat Nest prospects within the Henry Mountains Uranium and Vanadium Project, Utah, USA.
The proposed fieldwork program in the East Exploration Target area includes geological mapping, mapping of existing underground adits and locating and logging of additional existing shallow drill holes.
Importantly, this phase of fieldwork will help guide drill targeting for GTI’s drill campaign in the March quarter of 2022.
Recent drilling program
GTI recently completed drilling and logging of 40 new holes and 88 additional historical drill holes along the extent of the 5 kilometres mineralised trend, confirming mineralisation extensions on the Section 36 area.
Mineralisation was discovered in the West Exploration Target area where drilling confirmed mineralisation extensions in proximity to historical underground mine workings between the south and east portals and between the east portal and the outcrop to the south.
The thickness and grade of uranium mineralisation encountered appears to be consistent with that observed in the region’s past-producing mines that produced in excess of 17.5 million tonnes at 2,400 ppm uranium and 12,500 ppm vanadium.
Forward plan
GTI’s planned next phase of exploration in Utah is focused on the Rat Nest and Section 2 areas and includes geological mapping, mapping of historical underground workings, locating and downhole geophysical logging of additional historical drill holes.
Pending results of this program, the company is planning further drilling during the March quarter of 2022.
GTI believes that the shallow nature of mineralisation supports continued low-cost exploration advancements.
Furthermore, drilling at the newly acquired Thor ISR uranium exploration project in Wyoming is anticipated to start during December 2021, subject to final permit approval and settlement of the acquisition which is expected during early November.
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