Analysis On Vanadium Products Import And Export Statistics For April 2021 According to customs statistics, vanadium exports is stable in April 2021, and the import slightly reduced. Export: 282 tons of V2O5, 15 tons of ferrovanadium50, 323 tons of ferrovanadium80. Import: 202,009 tons of V2O5, 80 tons of ferro vanadium50, 40 tons of ferrovanadium80, 1999 tons of ferroniobium. The export of vanadium products in April totaled about 788 tons of V2O5, which was the same as last month (787 tons in March) and remained stable. Vanadium imports in April totaled about 339 tons of V2O5, down 28% month-on-month (471 tons in March).

April(ton) V2O5 FeV80 FeV50 Brazil FeNb
Exports 282 323 15
Imports 202.009 40 80 1999

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