Import And Export Statistics Of Vanadium Products And Ferroniobium In Jan 2021 According to customs statistics, the import and export data of VN products in January are shown in the following table.January vanadium product export  is stable,and imports of vanadium products slightly reduced.In January, the import volume of ferroniobium was 5,388.7 tons, up 256% from the previous month, with an increase of 3,874.7 tons.

Jan. V2O5 FeV50 FeV80 FeNb Dec. V2O5 FeV50 FeV80 FeNb Unit
Import 800.04 280 0 5388.707 Import 860.008 460 81.5 1514.005 ton
Export 343.25 0.2 400.136 0 Export 363.21 2.4 677.854 0 ton

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