The Vanadium Market Spot Price Was Raised With Insufficient Transaction Most of the downstream suppliers of V2O5 flake are VN alloy manufacturers, and the basic price is between 93000-93500 yuan / ton by cash. The raw material end affects the supply of about 250 tons of V2O5 flake, and the turnover is not much. In terms of VN alloy, the price is about 145000 yuan / ton, and a small number of manufacturers offer 146000-147000 yuan / ton to spot, and the commodity traders are not willing to ship.

This week is still a period of active purchasing for steel mills, and the heat of inquiry is not reduced. However, due to the spot volume and high quotation, the volume is still insufficient. In terms of steel bidding, it is also relatively stable. In the short term, the market continues to hold a strong price mentality, while the actual transaction price is expected to fluctuate in a narrow range.

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