European FeV Price Slightly Reduced According to the data, the European price of ferrovanadium has slightly decreased, but due to the fluctuation of exchange rate, the overall reduction is less than 1000 Yuan / ton. Yesterday, the price of European ferrovanadium was 23-23.5USD/KgV, convert into 50# ferrovanadium was 81,000-82,800Yuan/ton; the price of European V2O5 was 4.95-5.75USD/LB V2O5, temporarily stable, convert into V2O5 98% was 75,400-87,600 Yuan/ton; the price of ferrovanadium in United States was 10.75-11USD/LB V2O5, temporarily stable, convert into 50# ferrovanadium was 83,500-85,500 Yuan/ton. Today’s exchange rate is USD: RMB = 7.0449:1.

According to the reaction of European traders, the European market has been slightly active in recent days, but the volume of orders is not large, and the volume of large orders is only about 20 tons. The increase of shipments leads to a small weakness in the European vanadium market. However, European traders also resisted the long-term low price, and the market is not expected to continue to reduce prices in the later period.

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