Less Goods and Higher Prices in Vanadium Raw Material Market and The Downstream Alloy Price Edged Up

www.ferroalloynet.com: In terms of yesterday’s market, vanadium market prices rose in succession. Yesterday, the vanadium-nitrogen alloy purchase price of Shougang Changzhi was CNY 194,500/t by acceptance, which refreshed the new high purchase price of steel mills nearly half a month. Vanadium-nitrogen alloy factories are optimistic about the future market. The bulk quotation is CNY 195,000/t by cash. The manufacturer has few spot, and the price of futures orders is the same as that of bulk goods. The price of ferrovanadium has been pushing up slowly and the price quoted by the manufacturer is about CNY 128,000/t. Compared with vanadium-nitrogen alloy, the price increase is relatively small. The continuous decline of the international market also has a certain impact on it. At present, the bulk price of V2O5 flake is CNY 126,000-127,000/t, while the metallurgical V2O5 powder is more expensive, but it has no advantage to compete with V2O5 flake, so the spot is more scarce.

Further upward price of vanadium attracts traders to operate more actively and increase stockpiling. However, at present, too much stockpiling is not conducive to the end of the market. We expects that the space for the price increase is limited.


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