The Shipments of Vanadium Raw Materials Have Increased and The Market is Still Weak Yesterday, the spot offer gradually appeared in bulk V2O5 flake market and some large factories sold at the original price. Up to now, the offer of bulk V2O5 flake is CNY 122,000-123,000/t by cash, down from the price of CNY 127,000-130,000 yuan/ton in the upward period. In terms of the downstream, the cash price of ferrovanadium is CNY 128,000-130,000/t, with few transaction. Some vanadium-nitrogen alloy manufacturers have slightly lowered their quotations to CNY 180,000/t by cash, while bulk market quotation is CNY 185,000-186,000/t. The trading is cold and the market lacks confidence in the future market.

Nowadays, the steel bidding price has been kept above CNY 185,000/t, which is not a loss for vanadium-nitrogen alloy plants at present. However, the enthusiasm for downstream procurement of raw materials has declined sharply, and vanadium prices are expected to decline at a weak and slow pace at the end of this month.

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