H.C. Wainwright Maintained Energy Fuels Inc (AMEX:UUUU) As a “Buy”; They Now Have a Target Price Of $5.0

Date: Dec 15, 2017
Energy Fuels Inc (AMEX:UUUU) Rating Reaffirmed

In a research report released this morning, H.C. Wainwright restate their “Buy” rating on Energy Fuels Inc (AMEX:UUUU) shares. The price target would suggest a possible upside of 148.76 % from company’s last stock price.

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:UUUU) Ratings Coverage

Among 4 analysts covering Energy Fuels (AMEX:UUUU), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 75% are positive. Energy Fuels has $6.30 highest and $2.75 lowest target. $4.68’s average target is 132.48% above currents $2.0131 stock price. Energy Fuels had 15 analyst reports since March 17, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. H.C. Wainwright maintained it with “Buy” rating and $5.0 target in Monday, September 25 report. Roth Capital maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Thursday, November 2 report. Rodman & Renshaw maintained Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:UUUU) on Thursday, September 22 with “Buy” rating. The firm has “Buy” rating by Roth Capital given on Monday, September 25. On Friday, November 3 the stock rating was maintained by H.C. Wainwright with “Buy”. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Monday, March 21 by Roth Capital. H.C. Wainwright maintained Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:UUUU) on Monday, July 10 with “Buy” rating. The stock of Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:UUUU) earned “Buy” rating by H.C. Wainwright on Tuesday, November 14. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Monday, August 28 by H.C. Wainwright. The stock has “Hold” rating by Noble Financial on Monday, August 7.

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